Quentin Fillon-Maillet invites you to spend the morning in his Jura stronghold with France Bleu Besançon

Quentin Fillon-Maillet is a great champion. In all its dimension. Sportingly, of course, on his cross-country skis and biathlon shooting ranges, as he has now demonstrated to the entire planet this winter! And humanlytoo.

With his sensational record of five medals (including two gold) at the Beijing Olympics in February, then the acquisition, on March 12, of his very first large crystal globe awarded to the winner of the World Cup season, Franc -Comtois may well have become the undisputed new world king of his sport in 2022: no question, however, of taking the big head, at 29 years old.

Barely finished its sublime world season, QFM receives France Bleu Besançon live in its Jura stronghold

Yes, QFM is ambitious and thinks only of winning. But in the rules of the art. And always staying humbleas we naturally are in our “made in Jura” family.

Quentin Fillon-Maillet very kindly agreed to receive France Bleu Besancondirectly in his Jura village of Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvauxto spend more than an hour and a half together – with you, the listeners – this Friday, March 25, from 7:25 a.m. to 9 a.m. !

The king of world biathlon will answer your questions live

The opportunity to relive his fantastic winter with him, while smiles, good humor and – who knows – some surprises also, maybe… QFM, the king of world biathlon in 2022, will also respond live – from 7:40 a.m. – at your questions and your messages : via the standard of France Bleu Besancon (03 81 833 111) or the form below, which you can already fill out!

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Quentin Fillon-Maillet’s prize list (as of March 18, 2022)

Olympic Games

World’s Championships

World Cup (since December 13, 2013 / Sprint, Grand-Bornand: 54th)

*(excluding world championships and Olympic Games)

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