Quentin Fillon Maillet: Five medals at the Beijing Olympics, a fortune awaits him on his return

The Winter Olympics are coming to an end, and the time to take stock is approaching! For now, France is in 10th place in the ranking of the most successful nations, with 14 medals. Quentin Fillon Maillet won five on his own, five awards that will entitle him to a small fortune…

The info is signed The Team ! In an article published on Friday February 18, 2022, the sports daily site looks at the crazy fortnight experienced by Quentin Fillon Maillet. The French biathlete won five medals, two gold and three silver (including one in a collective event). His coronations will be accompanied by bonuses paid by the State, of €65,000 per gold medal and €25,000 per silver medal. The amounts are identical to those of the athletes who participated in the Tokyo Olympics last summer. Thereby, the 29-year-old Jura will pocket the sum of 205,000 euros. His victory bonuses are subject to income tax.

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