Queen Rania sends her son, Prince Hussein, to the airport!

After an eventful evening in Qatar, on December 18, to console Kylian Mbappé and the France team, after a hair-raising final against Argentina, President Emmanuel Macron continues his tour, far from Paris. On December 19, he was on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier with the armed forces to share a Christmas meal, and on December 20, he joined Jordan to attend the “Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership“.

Only western president at the table

When he got off the plane, in Amman, the capital, the husband of Brigitte Macron was not welcomed by the royal couple formed by King Abdallah II of Jordan, and his wife, Rania. The parents had sent Jordan’s Crown Prince Hussein, who greeted French President Emmanuel Macron, upon his arrival at Amman airport.

A new major responsibility for the one who will one day ascend the throne of Jordan, and who has already announced his engagement, a few months ago, to a superb future queen consort. On July 17, with Rajwa Al-Saif, daughter of a wealthy Saudi businessman, they announced that they were getting married.

>> See also: 2022 World Cup: Emmanuel Macron makes a big mistake on Twitter … Internet users are having a blast!

During his trip to Jordan, without Brigitte Macron who has commitments in Paris, the French president intends to meet representatives of Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iran to promote “stability, security and prosperity” in the region, as explained in a press release from the Elysée.

Souvenir photos in Jordan

On the tourism side, the Head of State was also entitled to a visit to the archaeological site of the ancient city of Gérasa, registered since 2004 on the indicative list of UNESCO World Heritage.


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