Queen Elizabeth II will not be able to attend COP26 for medical reasons



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Forced to rest, the queen Elizabeth ii will not participate in COP26, which will open Sunday October 31 in Scotland. The journalist Maëlys September provides details live from London (United Kingdom) for France 3 12/13, Wednesday October 27.

Queen Elizabeth II will not attend COP26, which will open Sunday October 31 in Scotland. This decision was taken on medical advice, but it is enough to worry all of England. “It’s a reluctantly, reluctantly decision the Queen had to make yesterday, indicates journalist Maëlys September, live from London (United Kingdom) for France 3 12/13, Wednesday October 27. The 95-year-old monarch thus follows medical advice which advises her to rest. “

The announcement came less than a week after his hospitalization. “Here, many thought she had recovered, adds the journalist. Just yesterday, Buckingham Palace posted photos on social media of his return to business. It showed the queen smiling, visibly recovered, but apparently not enough to allow her to make the trip to Scotland. “ It’s a “heartbreaking” for the queen, because the royal family is very involved in environmental issues. “She will still record a video which will be broadcast during the climate conference”, report Maëlys September.

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