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Queen Elizabeth 2 has tested positive for Covid-19, Buckingham Palace announced in a sober and succinct press release on Sunday February 20. From London, journalist Maëlys Septembre provides details.
Queen Elizabeth 2 tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday February 20, just after Prince Charles. “Here, everyone has read with great attention the press release from Buckingham Palace, which is reassuring: the queen would only present mild symptoms. She continues to perform a few simple tasks”reports journalist Maëlys Septembre, live from London (United Kingdom).
She thus congratulated, in the afternoon of Sunday February 20, the British women’s curling team at the Beijing Olympics. “Obviously this news worries the British, very attached to their 95-year-old sovereign”, adds the journalist, especially since the queen has had a series of health problems in recent months. A few days ago, she notably confessed that she had “hard to move” says the journalist. Elizabeth 2 is triple vaccinated and followed very closely by her doctors, communicated the palace of Buckingham.