Queen A Man, male cheerleaders pay homage to Freddy Mercury

9:10 a.m. The guest: Cécile Le Guern

It was 30 years ago, the death of Freddy Mercury, singer of the group Queen.

Last summer, captain Cécile Le Guern formed her troupe of male majorettes, north of Nantes in the Abbaretz sector: mustache in jeans and white marcel, quadra, quinqua who play with the stick on the group’s successes and the team in question has a tasty name Queen A Man!

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In the end, a burlesque street show, physical (they wet the marcel!) But without a hint of contempt or irony.

The choreography is signed by Eric Martin from the DCA / Philippe Découflé company. The latter also regulated the choreographies of the film “Aline”.

Queen A man was one of the summer’s successes in street theater, the adventure continues with multiple dates scheduled for 2022.

9:15 am Jean-Jacques Lester’s favorite Bohemian Rapsody can be viewed for free on Prime Video

Bryan Singer’s Bohemian Rhapsody (2019)

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This film traces the extraordinary fate of the group Queen and their iconic singer Freddie Mercury, who challenged stereotypes, shattered conventions and revolutionized music. From the dazzling success of Freddie Mercury to his excesses, risking the quasi-implosion of the group, until his triumphant return on stage during the Live Aid concert, while he was struck by the disease, discover the exceptional life of a man which continues to inspire underdogs, dreamers and all those who love music.

9:25 am Three minutes, a museum, a work, and behind the object a story to discover. With Tiphaine Yvon, in charge of the heritage center, at S-Saint Nazaire Agglomeration Tourism, we embark with “canephores” aboard the liner France, built in Saint-Nazaire and put into service in 1962. Canephoras are carriers of baskets represented on large aluminum panels that adorned the tourist class dining room called “Versailles”.

These panels are exhibited at Escal’Atlantic in Saint-Nazaire and presented on the collections portal www.saint-nazaire-musees.com

Claude Hertenberger. Collection Saint-Nazaire Agglomeration Tourism – Ecomuseum
Jean-Claude Lemée

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