Quebec’s most wanted criminal arrested in Mexico

On the run for more than a year for various sex crimes, one of Quebec’s most wanted criminals is finally arrested by Mexican authorities.

Blake Charbonneau, 35, was wanted among other things for pimping and sexual assault. According to the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), the man from Laval would have had several victims.

Arrested in Mexico, he was brought back to Canada where he was cared for by members of the Toronto Fugitive Squad before being brought back to Quebec.

“He will later appear at the Quebec City courthouse to answer charges of sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, aggravated sexual assault, obtaining sexual services for consideration including to minors and pimping,” said the official. ‘Integrated team for the fight against procuring of the SQ by press release.

Note that Blake Charbonneau was targeted by Canada-wide arrest warrants and was on the Bolo Program’s wanted list. A reward of up to $50,000 was also offered in this case.

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