Quebecers less religious than anywhere else

A majority of Quebecers have identified themselves as atheists (24%) or agnostics (52%), a much higher proportion than anywhere in the country, according to a survey by the firm Angus Reid in partnership with the conservative organization Cardus. , released on Monday.

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Conversely, 43% of Saskatchewanians say they are religious, practicing or not. “The religious core of Canada continues to be found in the Prairie provinces. In Alberta (24%), Saskatchewan (25%) and Manitoba (25%), a quarter of residents are classified as committed religious on the spirituality spectrum. Residents of Quebec are the most likely to avoid religion, whether it is more personal or overtly formal,” the pollster said Monday in a statement.

Among the different religions, Christians are by far the most observant, with 74% of respondents who indicated their affiliation to this religion said they practice it regularly. They are also a majority to go to church (63%) more than once a month. Conversely, among those who answered to practice the Jewish religion, 7% say they practice it regularly and only 16% indicated going to the synagogue more than once a month.

In 2019, according to Statistics Canada, 68% of Canadians aged 15 and over reported an affiliation with a religion. This sounding is the result of two surveys, answered by nearly 3000 members of the Angus Reid forum.

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