(Quebec) The City of Quebec and the governments have already invested $527 million in the tramway project, revealed Bruno Marchand on Thursday. The mayor also indicated that he had no intention of resigning even if the CAQ took the structuring transport project of the capital out of his hands.
“This morning at the city supplies, the phone almost exploded. Everyone was calling out: “Shall we continue, shall we not continue?” », indicated the mayor of Quebec, who met journalists the day after the Legault government’s decision to entrust the Caisse de dépôt et placement (CDPQ) with the mission of reviewing the tramway project.
“People were asking: ‘What’s happening with the calls for tenders, the work planned for next summer, the deforestation started, the project office, the salaries, the expropriations…?’ »
Quebec’s decision to withdraw management of its own public transportation project from the municipality seemed to take everyone at city hall by surprise.

Bruno Marchand
The City began months of extensive work in anticipation of this project which seemed to be on track. This means 527 million have already been spent or committed by the City. But this figure could still swell, warned the mayor, and will ultimately be between 527 and 900 million.
“There is work to be carried out in the coming months, for which we have committed to paying the amount in the tender,” indicated the mayor. “We are not going to tell people: we will stop paying you, leave the hole there and good luck to the local citizens. »
The City had, for example, redeveloped certain arteries in preparation for the arrival of the tramway, moved sewers, wired networks, paid for expropriations, etc.
However, the Legault government’s decision could sign the death warrant for this project and its route. Quebec has given the CDPQ the mandate to “come up with the best structuring project for Quebec City”.
Will this half a billion, or more, be thrown in the trash if the project changes? Not entirely, notes the mayor. “There was work necessary in some cases. But others were not, they were for the tram. »
These expenses were almost all assumed by the Quebec government. “The City regularly makes claims to the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, according to the terms of the financial assistance agreement,” indicates a City spokesperson.
Mayor Marchand indicates that these hundreds of millions already spent and the possible penalties with the rolling stock supplier Alstom are now the entire responsibility of the Legault government. It was the government that “picked up the ball” for this project.
“We discussed with the ministers everything that this decision entails, and they will have to make decisions. Now they are carrying the ball, the government has taken the ball. I was very clear with the Prime Minister, we are not dividing it in two. »
Marchand keeps his future unclear
The mayor of Quebec also indicated that he did not intend to resign.
“No, you are never going to see me resign. Forget that. If there are any who want it, forget it, he said. People trusted me for four years. It is certain that I am reaching the end of my time. »
Bruno Marchand, who refuses to say if he will run again in 2025 for mayor of Quebec, added “that there will be an after” for him. “Don’t prepare for the funeral too quickly. »