Québec solidaire wants to end hunger in schools this fall

Québec solidaire (QS) will table a motion this fall to demand that the CAQ government “unconditionally repatriate” the Quebec share of the federal school food program, party spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said Thursday.

He made this announcement on the sidelines of the QS pre-back-to-parliamentary caucus held in Granby, in Estrie. His party and he believe that a universal Quebec food program could then be set up. “With one in five children hungry in our classes, we cannot afford to wait,” the elected official stressed.

Last spring, Ottawa announced a national school food program that includes investments of $1 billion over five years. The Trudeau government hopes to provide meals to 400,000 more children per year.

“Quebec is capable of taking charge of school meals,” said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois. He therefore invites all parties present in the National Assembly to “work together to end hunger in our schools.” “It’s good for children’s success, it’s good for parents’ wallets, it’s good for our local agricultural producers who will supply the program.”

Earlier, in a press scrum, the Solidarity MNA for Sherbrooke, Christine Labrie, stressed that food insecurity in schools would be the “hobby horse” of her political party this fall.

The 12 elected representatives in solidarity were also gathered in caucus to prepare for the resumption of parliamentary work. In addition to hunger in schools, they plan to focus on adaptation to climate change and the impacts of the rising cost of living.

Further details will follow.

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