Québec solidaire wants to “democratize” access to nature

Noting that there is unequal access to large green spaces in the province, Québec solidaire wants to draw inspiration from the Scandinavian countries and undertakes to establish a “right to nature”, by making national parks free and implementing new public transport circuits to get there from the most disadvantaged communities.

“The observation that we make is that not everyone has equal access to nature, underlines in an interview with The duty parliamentary leader and spokesperson, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. There is a deficit that is less talked about in Quebec, and that is the natural deficit. »

The left-wing political party will announce new commitments Monday in Abitibi, which consist of a three-part plan totaling $100 million per year. “We have a very beautiful territory, but there are too many people in Quebec who cannot take advantage of it because they live in an urban environment, because they have difficulty getting around or because the equipment is too expensive,” notes Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. “There are people who spend their whole lives without being in contact with Quebec nature,” he adds.

With approximately 80% of the population of Quebec living in urban areas, a supportive government would establish public transit routes, particularly near Parc-Extension or Montreal-Nord, particularly disadvantaged neighborhoods, to national parks. “For example, from the Montmorency terminus in Laval, you should be able to get to Mont-Tremblant Park at a low price. From the Longueuil–Université-de-Sherbrooke station, you should be able to get to Mont-Orford Park,” explains the spokesperson. The implementation of this measure is costed at $2 million.

Québec solidaire is also committed to making entry to national parks and wildlife reserves free, as well as unserviced campgrounds and access to bodies of water for non-motorized boats. “The bodies of water are public in Quebec, it shouldn’t cost money to take advantage of them,” says Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. The political party estimates this measure at 70 million dollars, to compensate for the loss of income of the Société des establishments de plein air du Québec (SEPAQ).

“This idea of ​​the right to nature exists elsewhere in the world, it is officially recognized in most Scandinavian countries, and we are inspired by it”, he says, adding that some countries go further than their own plan.

But it’s one thing to make green spaces more accessible, and another to convince people unaccustomed to going out into nature to go there. “The challenge is enormous, admits Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. There are already community organizations working to bridge this gap and provide access to Quebec nature to young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods.” “We will have to rely on education and community work,” he says.

Free equipment

The political party is also committed to ensuring that Quebecers can borrow outdoor equipment, such as camping equipment, snowshoes or skis, free of charge from the province’s 800 public libraries. “These are local institutions that people know. And in a context where more and more people are turning to digital, we have to keep these places relevant,” says Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

We are committed to reaching the objective of 30% protected areas in Quebec by 2030 and to adding 1.5% of new protected areas each year

Thus, $4.5 million would finance the purchase of equipment, and the spokesperson adds that “we trust people” to keep the equipment in good condition. “The experience of libraries shows us that it is possible to do this and that people are capable of empowering themselves. We are also seeing more and more similar initiatives,” he thinks.

Twenty million dollars would ultimately be invested by a supportive government to expand the SEPAQ network. “We are committed to reaching the objective of 30% protected areas in Quebec by 2030 and to adding 1.5% new protected areas each year,” says Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

According to an update of the Register of Protected Areas dated December 31, 2021, 16.70% of the continental environment is currently protected. “At the moment there is a political deadlock,” said the spokesperson. He thinks that the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks of Quebec should be split, because it “systematically blocks the creation of protected areas” because of “the exaggerated influence of the forest industry”.

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