Québec solidaire mourns the end of Roxham Road

A few days ago, the solidarity deputy Étienne Grandmont deplored the closure of Roxham Road during a demonstration against racism. For QS, any measure to control illegal arrivals at our border is to be avoided. Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, the party’s spokesperson for immigration, suggests instead initiating a reflection and, in the meantime, suspending the agreement on safe third countries. The aim is to allow as many migrants as possible to come here.

The newly elected QS also demands that the presence of 10,000 non-status migrants and their families be legalized. It must be said that the more immigrants there are, the better it is for immigration lawyers, Mr. Cliche-Rivard’s area of ​​law.

Quebec currently selects 50,000 immigrants a year, compared to 300,000 who arrive temporarily. The selection of the latter largely escapes us and several end up staying. With 50,000 alone, our nation receives almost two and a half times more immigrants per capita than France and twice as many as the United States. However, Cliche-Rivard wants to raise the thresholds to 80,000!

Make the rich richer, make the poor poorer

It should be noted, in passing, that immigration does not solve the labor shortage, because immigrants consume goods and services and their presence increases the need for workers. The impact on the average age is negligible.

The constant rise in thresholds, on the other hand, has the effect of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. First, there is a housing crisis. Demand is on the rise with the arrival of migrants and supply cannot keep up. Owners see their homes or buildings increase in value. Profits on rents increase. During this time the tenants are taken by the throat. The poorest among them, including immigrants already here, sometimes have to live in slums run by crooked landlords.

The arrival of foreigners also lowers wages, especially for those at the bottom of the ladder. The bosses therefore always want more immigrant workers. They can thus pay the workers less and enrich themselves at their expense. Québec solidaire wants to help them exploit their workers!

But whatever these consequences on the little people, QS does not care. Those who raise the issue of immigration are treated as closed-minded, as Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois recently did. You need to have “an opening speech”, GND told the show The world upside down.


The latter also knows very well that immigration is pushing back our language. If there are fewer and fewer Francophones in Quebec, it is the direct consequence of the successive and uncontrolled increases in immigration. Ultimately, this situation will lead to the minority of Francophones in our country, a preliminary step to our assimilation.

All this does not bother the qsists too much. During the by-election he recently won, Cliche-Rivard distributed unilingual English flyers.

That’s QS. So-called progressives who help the rich at the expense of the poor! So-called separatists who work for the disappearance of their own nation!

source site-64