Quebec reports a drop of 56 hospitalizations and 68 more deaths

The situation continues to improve slightly in Quebec hospitals.

According to data released Saturday by the Ministry of Health, the number of hospitalizations attributable to COVID-19 has increased from 3,351 to 3,295 in the past 24 hours. However, there are 275 people in intensive care, ten more than the day before.

The Ministry of Health reports 5,947 new cases, a number which is however not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles. Authorities have recorded 830,989 cases since the start of the pandemic.

However, there has been a decrease in new cases in recent days.

The average of new cases for the past seven days stands at 2,820, a drop of more than 33% from the previous Saturday.

Sixty-eight additional deaths were added to the death toll. We now deplore 12,766 deaths linked to COVID-19 since its appearance in Quebec.

The number of active outbreaks, however, increased from 1611 to 1625.

A total of 35,224 scans were performed on January 20. The positivity rate fell by 0.4 percentage points to 11.6.

No less than 100,951 doses of vaccine have been administered in the past 24 hours, including 3,295 first doses and 86,193 booster doses.

The percentage of people aged 5 and over who received a first dose is still around 90%. It is also reported that approximately 83% of the Quebec population received a second dose and that approximately 38% received a booster dose.

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