Quebec reports 29 more deaths related to COVID-19

Quebec reported on Tuesday 29 new deaths linked to COVID-19 and a drop in hospitalizations.

Deaths reported in the past 24 hours bring the total to 16,252 since the start of the pandemic.

The Ministry of Health reported 1,959 hospitalizations, including 665 due to COVID-19, a decrease of 40 from the previous day. There were 46 people in intensive care, including 28 due to COVID-19, an increase of 4 from the previous day.

Health personnel absent for reasons related to the pandemic now amount to 3,877 workers, up from 3,751 the day before.

The ministry also announced 951 new cases of COVID-19, but this number is far from being representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

Some 218 rapid tests were self-reported for Monday, including 175 positives. The total stands at 279,868 self-reported rapid tests so far, including 234,349 positives.

On the vaccination side, 16,975 more doses were administered, for a total of nearly 20.6 million doses in Quebec.

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