Quebec reports 13 new deaths linked to COVID-19

After several days of an increase in the number of hospitalizations linked to COVID-19, Quebec authorities reported a slight drop on Friday, but also 13 new deaths linked to the disease.

There were still 2,063 people hospitalized in connection with COVID-19, including 624 specifically for the disease, which represents a decrease of 19 compared to the previous day.

However, there was an increase of five people treated in intensive care, for a total of 60, including 21 due to COVID-19.

The number of healthcare professionals on withdrawal due to illness (preventive withdrawal, isolation, awaiting results, etc.) has increased further in the last few hours. They were 4,019 according to the most recent figures, an increase of 80.

Authorities reported 13 new deaths on Friday, three of which occurred in the past 24 hours. Six took place two to seven days ago, and four more than seven days ago.

Since the start of the pandemic, 16,876 people have lost their lives in connection with the disease.

As for COVID-19 cases, the authorities officially count 1,057 new ones, but this is not representative, because access to screening centers is restricted to priority groups.

Quebecers declared 236 rapid tests on Thursday, including 200 positive. The total stands at 299,156 self-reported rapid tests so far, including 251,212 positives.

According to the dashboard of the Ministry of Health, the positivity rate is 10.6%.

As for vaccination, 25,442 new doses were administered Thursday, for a total of 21,512,637 doses administered in Quebec to date.

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