Quebec region | Rififi at the CAQ

It’s always possible for left-field balls to land right in the middle of the field that political parties are contesting in these elections.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

Possible, but unless there is a superb unforeseen event, election night will not be the conclusion of the thriller of the year.

The only little thrills, and nothing erotic, I swear, will probably come from the answers to two questions:

First, the result of the strength test of Éric Duhaime’s trippers in Quebec;

Two, the number of ridings that the Liberals will manage to save in Montreal.

But where it smacks of rififi in the background is the state of relations between the candidates of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) in the Quebec region.

The arrival of Bernard Drainville and Martine Biron within the party must have struck a chord, and depressed their future elected colleagues in the region.

They quickly understood that these two had not left their comfortable places in the media to become the stooges of the Chief Government Whip.

No, they absolutely see themselves as ministers around the big table.

Especially after having had to swallow, without complaining, the government ukase on the third link, as one goes down the first shoot of the evening, closing his eyes and grimacing.

A bad time to pass for intelligent people.

Hence the anxiety of “colleagues” with the arrival of new friends.

The first level of anxiety is experienced by elected officials on the outskirts of Quebec and the South Shore. They see the party of Mr. Duhaime evolve and make in their pants, I pass you a paper.

They are about the only CAQ elected officials in Quebec who can jump.

They relied heavily on toxic radios in the last election, but here they have them in the ass. If you go looking for trouble you’ll find it.

Backbenchers in the region are probably convinced that they have what it takes to become ministers. But they are the only ones to believe it, the poor.

In addition, three ministers, Geneviève Guilbault, Éric Caire and Jonatan Julien, have surely seen their nights of sleep cut short. It must eat drugs to calm paranoia!

We understand them.

At least one of them should be served with his eviction notice the day after the election, if the two new friends are elected.

But the one who must capsize the most is the Deputy Prime Minister, and among other things Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region, Geneviève Guilbault (GG).

GG didn’t see them coming, those two shells. His power in the principality could erode like the banks of the Gaspé.

Her place in the Council of Ministers is absolutely not at stake, not for a minute. She acquired a special status of vice-queen following her partial victory in Louis-Hébert.

But as the minister responsible for the region, GG has screwed up.

It has already been said, we do not remember in Quebec such weak regional leadership in the Government of Quebec. This applies to the entire regional caucus of elected officials, for whom, apart from the great nonsense on the third link, we do not recognize any convincing success.

Not even able to add a few million to renovate the Quebec Bridge and make it safe in the long term, when billions of dollars are already planned to invest in infrastructure.

Mediocre and revolting.

They distinguished themselves above all by their tactics of opposition to the Quebec tramway project.

Moreover, the last attempt to sabotage the project, a few months ago, on the pretext of shared paths, was of a distressing meanness and suffered from a lamentable amateurism.

The result of this mega-bubble in the brain ended up in the only foreseeable place: in the wall.

From stuff of junior.

And so, the potential arrival of two adults in this team, with content and judgment, “it will be good! », a familiar expression for GG that we return to him in a friendly way.

But it will stir with the two new acolytes, who will discover in vivo GG’s claim, which among other things makes her imagine herself, prematurely, on the throne of the Prime Minister, a gesture that would have displeased the boss.

A big head and an arrogant one, according to the findings of Mme Biron in his former life.

They will also understand that GG has little inhibition, and is not careful about the choice of means to achieve his ends..

And finally, let them have no illusions, the newcomers: none of their fellow CAQ candidates in the region wants their election.

They rather dream of biting the dust, even at the hands of the Conservative Party of Quebec if necessary.

They think only of their own future, and might not spare fraternal legs during the campaign, if the occasion arises.

Between us

So imagine that, by one of these cursed coincidences, a drilling platform parades on the river, between Quebec and Lévis, from July to October.

The Ministry of Transport needed additional drilling in the river, on the presumed route of the third link, it seems.

Elections are always October 3, huh?

My twisted mind is wearing me out!

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