Quebec police chief defends five officers under investigation

The Quebec City police chief fully assumes his decision to put the five officers involved in the brutal and widely publicized arrests of last November back to work.

The independent investigation office and the police ethics commissioner are currently investigating the arrests, the videos of which had raised an outcry among the population and the political class.

“I prefer that they return to work to serve the population rather than staying at home, away from their colleagues,” said Chief Denis Turcotte, Wednesday, in the wake of a plenary committee on the body capital police. “The bond of trust that I have with these police officers, I still have it. »

In front of the elected officials at city hall, the man in charge of the police department of the City of Quebec deplored the “people’s tribunal” which condemns in advance, in the era of social networks, the work of the police.

“It’s so easy to judge a police operation from your living room,” said the senior officer of the SPVQ. Someone who watches an intervention without context or explanation, it can be tempting to go and judge on social networks. »

The chief of police denies condoning the actions of the five officers by reinstating them before the conclusion of the investigations.

“Not at all, there are police investigations. Me, I have a disciplinary process that can be triggered as soon as they are concluded, ”retorted Mr. Turcotte.

As to whether the integrity of the Quebec City police service could be damaged if the police officers under investigation are ultimately held responsible for misconduct, Chief Turcotte maintains that he made the best decision.

“Perhaps some people will not agree with the direction I have taken, but I took this direction in the best of all worlds, precisely for the organization and for these police officers too. . »

New role for GRIPP

It was the GRIPP unit that made the headlines, at the end of 2021, after the publication of a series of videos showing brutal interventions with citizens of Quebec.

The role of this unit, in particular responsible for the surveillance of bars in the capital, could undergo “significant” changes, indicated the head of the SPVQ.

“The GRIPP Unit’s analysis is complete,” said Mr. Turcotte. I am reviewing all of this. You will understand that there are collective agreement issues that I will negotiate with the Brotherhood [des policières et des policiers de la Ville de Québec]. »

He hopes that the new model of the unit will be able to see the light of day next summer, without revealing more details.

“I will never tolerate this”

The SPVQ has been the subject of numerous allegations of racial profiling in recent years. Chief Turcotte assures that he has no tolerance for this practice and encourages people who believe they are victims of it to file a complaint.

“If I am aware that there is racial profiling, of course we will launch an investigation. I could never tolerate that, ”insisted the senior officer, who took office in 2021 in the wake of the movement. Black Lives Matterinitiated after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.

To paint a portrait of the relations that the SPVQ maintains with the cultural communities of Quebec, the police are awaiting the conclusions of a study conducted by the Research Chair on the Integration and Management of Diversity in Employment at Laval University.

“It will start this year and it should last until 2023,” said Mr. Turcotte. The work of the research chair will be used, in particular, to develop more appropriate training for the entire police force.

“We are constantly reviewing our practices, concluded the police chief. It’s an ongoing process, of questioning yourself. »

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