Quebec looks at closed permits for temporary foreign workers

Quebec is looking for possible solutions to improve the conditions of temporary foreign workers, The Canadian Press has learned.

The Legault government will instruct the Commission of Labor Market Partners (CPMT) to evaluate the impact of the so-called “closed” work permit on the Quebec labor market and on workers.

This type of work permit has long been criticized because it ensures that a temporary foreign worker is tied to a single employer. In recent months, several cases of abuse have been reported in the media.

However, since 2019, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) can grant an open work permit to vulnerable workers (mistreated, victims of violence or at risk of violence).

More flexibility for workers

Quebec Minister of Immigration, Christine Fréchette, intends to request a complete analysis of the means to be put in place to offer more employment flexibility to temporary immigrants.

“I was very touched by the testimonies,” said Fréchette in a written statement on Tuesday. We believe that the CPMT is the right body to carry out this in-depth analysis and find opportunities for improvement. »

Two weeks ago, Québec solidaire (QS) instead requested that the issue be studied at the Citizen Relations Commission. The party wanted the deputies, with the experts, to be able to quickly find solutions.

He cited Tomoya Obokata, the United Nations special rapporteur, who recently warned that the temporary foreign worker program is a breeding ground for contemporary slavery.

Mr Obokata recommended ending the closed system for work permits.

In a parliamentary committee on September 13, Minister Fréchette discussed certain alternative options to the closed permit that were submitted to her, such as a regional or sectoral work permit.

According to the Legault government, the CPMT is a recognized body for consultation and mobilization of labor market partners to identify innovative solutions.

It is made up of organizations representative of the Quebec labor market, such as employers, unions, stakeholders in the education sector, organizations specializing in employability, and ministries and organizations with an economic and social vocation.

The government considers that the CPMT is a “privileged forum” for reaching a consensus on ways of improvement, while taking into account the sharing of responsibilities between the governments of Quebec and Canada, it was clarified on Tuesday.

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