Quebec lists 11 more deaths attributable to COVID-19

Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 continued to increase on Thursday, and cases of the disease remained high, according to the latest report.

Health authorities recorded an increase of seven hospitalizations, bringing the total of COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized to 1,981. Among them, 646 people were being treated due to the disease.

In intensive care, two more people have been added to the toll, which now stands at 53, including 30 who are being treated specifically for COVID-19.

More than 4,100 healthcare workers were absent from their posts due to illness.

The death toll has also risen. Eleven more people have lost their lives, four of them in the past 24 hours. Six deaths occurred two to seven days ago, and one more than seven days ago.

Since the start of the pandemic, 17,426 Quebecers have succumbed to the disease.

The number of cases identified remained high for the day on Wednesday. Quebec recorded 1,241 new cases, a figure that is certainly underestimated since the screening centers are reserved for priority clienteles.

To this assessment must be added at least 121 new cases detected by rapid tests.

The positivity rate remained rather high on Thursday, standing at 10.9%.

As of Wednesday, the government had reported 1,718 new cases, a long-time high, with a positivity rate of 11.6%.

On the vaccination side, 17,574 Quebecers received a dose of vaccine for Wednesday.

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