Quebec launches an independent investigation to shed light on the circumstances of the death of Normand Meunier

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, launched an independent investigation into the tragic death of Normand Meunier on Wednesday evening, following pressure from opposition parties.

Last January, the 66-year-old quadriplegic man went to Saint-Jérôme hospital to treat a respiratory virus. He developed a major pressure ulcer in his buttocks, and on March 29, resorted to medical assistance in dying to end his suffering.

On Wednesday, representatives of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), Québec solidaire (QS) and the Parti Québécois (PQ) cried out for mistreatment, calling the death of Normand Meunier a “real shame” for Quebec at a press briefing. .

They also said they were dissatisfied with the internal investigation launched by the CISSS des Laurentides, the same one “which is at the root of the fiasco”, according to solidarity deputy Vincent Marissal.

“Normally, we don’t investigate ourselves […] when you are responsible for a fiasco, he pointed out. We should have an independent investigation, because what happened there is […] absolutely shameful in a society like ours,” he said.

“It is not true that we are just going to push this under the rug, pretending that nothing had happened,” added Mr. Marissal, who is calling for an “official apology” to be presented to the widow of Mr. Meunier, Sylvie Brosseau.

The latter, very emotional, declared during the press briefing that she wanted to continue “the fight” and ensure that her partner did not die “in vain”. “There are other people who are very unwell in hospitals at the moment. […] It needs to be taken care of,” she said.

Liberal MP Elisabeth Prass argued that “we have a responsibility as a society to take care of our most vulnerable” and recalled that medical assistance in dying should never replace care.

“What happened to Mr. Meunier could have been avoided […] if there had been suitable mattresses, […] professionals to move it, she stressed. Entering the hospital to treat one illness and then leaving with another is truly tragic. »

“Do people who suffer from a disability receive appropriate care? » asked PQ member Joël Arseneau.

“Can we talk about institutional mistreatment in a very anecdotal way, or on the contrary, are there cases like that that can occur as we speak today? »

Walter Zelaya, from Spinal Cord and Motricity Quebec, said he was convinced that we were facing a “systemic problem”. He insisted on the need for an independent investigation.

“As we speak, we have more than 50 cases that we have listed with problematic situations, just related to pressure ulcers,” he reported, specifying that these “people, fortunately, are not not yet dead.”

Questioned in the corridors of the National Assembly, upon leaving the meeting of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Dubé reiterated that he finds “totally unacceptable” that Mr. Meunier died in these circumstances.

In the evening, his office indicated that he had personally called Ms. Brosseau to offer his condolences and announce that an independent investigation will be launched.

“A situation like the one experienced by Mr. Meunier at the Saint-Jérôme hospital must never occur,” said Mr. Dubé’s office in a message sent to The Canadian Press.

“We are going further to shed light on the events and make the necessary corrections. At all times, Quebecers must obtain care that meets the highest quality standards. »

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