Quebec is lagging behind for the 3rd dose

Quebec is lagging behind when it comes to offering a 3e dose of COVID-19 vaccine to the population compared to other Canadian provinces and territories.

• Read also: COVID-19: 1,146 new cases and two more deaths in Quebec

Currently, La Belle province allows people aged 70 and over and certain targeted groups.

Elsewhere in the country, some places have expanded the administration of the 3e dose. On Thursday, Ontario announced that people 50 years and older will be able to receive a booster dose. The Yukon also offers this possibility.

In Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, the 3e vaccine dose is available to all adults 18 years of age and over.

While British Columbia and Alberta currently offer it to people aged 70 and 60 and over, these western provinces have indicated their intention to make it accessible to all adults aged 18 and over from January 2022.

In the Maritimes, New Brunswick allows people 65 years of age and over to receive a booster dose. Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador offer it to people aged 70 and over.

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