Quebec invests $65 million in the hope of reducing the number of suicides

Quebec will deploy a new national strategy for suicide prevention, two decades after the first action plan. The objective: to reduce the number of deaths by suicide by at least 10% by 2026, to bring the province under the bar of 1,000 deaths by suicide annually.

To achieve this, the Legault government will inject $65 million to support various actions, announced Friday the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé. Of this amount, $5 million has already been granted in 2021-2022.

The new strategy will have four axes and 13 measures. It aims to increase psychological well-being, reduce the level of psychological distress of the population and prevent suicidal attempts and thoughts.

The implementation of a national strategy has been called for by several organizations in recent years.

Need help ? Do not hesitate to call the Quebec Suicide Prevention Line: 1 866 APPELLE (1 866 277-3553).

For help concerning your mental health or that of a loved one, do not hesitate to contact the Info-Social 811 service.

This article was produced with the financial support of the Meta Fellowships and The Canadian Press for News.

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