(Ottawa) The unemployment rate stood at 6% last month in Canada, down 0.7 percentage points.
The rate thus stood at 0.3 percentage point from what it was in February 2020, before the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.
In Quebec, the unemployment rate was measured by Statistics Canada at 4.5% in November, down 1.1 percentage points. It was the lowest rate of any Canadian province last month.
The federal agency reports that employment rose 0.8% last month in the country. The increase was established at 154,000, including 68,000 in Ontario and 46,000 in Quebec. The number of employees increased by 107,000 in the private sector in Canada in November, while there was little change in the public sector.
Employment among core working-age women, those aged 25 to 54, grew by 66,000, or 1.1%, mostly in full-time work.
In addition to Ontario and Quebec, employment increased in four other provinces in November: Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as 3,700 in Nova Scotia and 2,900 on the Island. -of Prince Edward Island. Little changed in British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.
From October to November, the unemployment rate fell in all three Maritime provinces. It went from 8.3% to 8.1% in Nova Scotia, from 9.1% to 8.5% in New Brunswick and from 9.1% to 8% in Prince Island. Edward.