“We can expect Quebec to be truly known as a gastronomic destination in North America,” says Félix-Antoine Joli-Coeur, initiator of the Round Table. Launched on Monday, this collective, aimed at promoting economic growth and the influence of local gastronomy, brings together more than thirty Quebec chefs around the same table. A first.
Updated yesterday at 4:16 p.m.
The Legault government is also getting involved with the announcement of financial assistance of $990,000. A gesture hailed by the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal. Meanwhile in the metropolis, the Montreal Office of Gastronomy, whose creation was announced in September 2021 by Mayor Valérie Plante, is ready to take action to promote local cuisine abroad. . On two fronts, these organizations are therefore multiplying their efforts. The gastronomy industry generated revenues of 136.6 million in 2019 in Quebec, according to a study carried out by Mr. Joli-Coeur, entitled Chefs and independent restaurateurs of Quebec gastronomy – A lever for the economic recovery of Montreal and of Quebec.
“Gastronomy is no more sophisticated in Denmark than in Quebec,” emphasizes Mr. Joli-Coeur, referring to the enthusiasm aroused by Copenhagen. It’s just that they work together with the support of the government and business people, adds the end of the line, the one who is also president of IdéesFX. This organization will truly bring Quebec gastronomy to the next level. »
Thus, nearly 35 restaurant chefs, from all over the Belle Province, such as Colombe St-Pierre (Chez Saint-Pierre), Perle Morency (Côté Est), Normand Laprise (Toqué!) and Véronique Rivest (Soif), met Monday at the Château Frontenac, as part of the founding meeting, to discuss and advance issues affecting their industry.
Ensure that restaurant owners can come together to source sea urchins from Quebec instead of having them go to Japan, as is currently the case, promote the use of salt from the St. importing from Europe are among the issues on the table.
“Just as we want to find partners to launch the battery industry, we need to find financial partners to launch the fine salt industry,” notes Mr. Joli-Coeur. We are obsessed with salt. »
“I’ve never seen so many chefs together, says Helena Loureiro, chef and owner of the Helena and Portus 360 restaurants. It’s magic. We all know each other, but normally we don’t have time to talk to each other. »
“Stimulating Quebec production and purchasing is one of our government’s priorities to ensure the growth and sustainability of businesses in all regions,” said the Minister of Economy and Innovation and Minister responsible for Development. regional economic, Pierre Fitzgibbon, in a press release.
The round table has the potential to further promote our local producers and products. By supporting this project, we are giving him the means to pursue his ideas and promote the economic vitality of all of Quebec.
Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy and Innovation and Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development
Meanwhile in Montreal
In the metropolis, the Montreal Office of Gastronomy, which reports to Tourisme Montreal, says it is ready to take action to promote restaurateurs and producers. People have to come to say: “We come to Montreal to eat,” said Manuela Goya, vice-president, destination development and public affairs, of Tourisme Montreal, during an interview Monday at the Jean Market. -Heel.

Manuela Goya, Vice-President Destination Development and Public Affairs for Tourisme Montréal
At some point, you have to go into second gear and that’s what we do with the Office.
Manuela Goya, Vice-President, Destination Development and Public Affairs, Tourisme Montréal
Giving local chefs the means to take part in events abroad, contributing financially to establish short circuits between producers and restaurateurs, promoting public markets are all concrete actions taken by the Office, which obtained a budget of $925,000 for the first year from the City of Montreal, intends to do.
Local alcoholic beverages
In order to support producers of wine, cider, beer and other spirits in Quebec, the Minister of Agriculture, André Lamontagne, has just granted $50,000 for the launch of a consultation aimed at the “development of expertise in the beverage industry. In light of the results of this consultation, an action plan will be established, in collaboration with the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) and the Institut de technologie agroalimentaire du Québec (ITAQ), to support those who operate in the sector. “It should be noted that this project was born out of the desire of the ITAQ and the ITHQ to pool their expertise to support the development of the alcoholic beverages sector produced in Quebec,” said Mr. Lamontagne in a press release. . The respective missions of the two partners are complementary since they cover all the stages from cultivation, that is, from the land, to the offer of the product at the table. »