Quebec-France | “A plan” to double trade

(Djerba, Tunisia) François Legault wants to provide Quebec with “a plan” to “double and possibly triple” trade with France, which totals approximately $5 billion per year. “As we say in Quebec, it’s peanuts,” he said in front of an audience of 500 guests.

The Prime Minister concluded his participation in the 18e Sommet de la Francophonie – his first mission abroad since his re-election, delivering a speech at the opening of the Francophone Economic Forum, which begins on the Tunisian island of Djerba. A large delegation from the Quebec business community is also present.

Mr. Legault spoke immediately after Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed and the Secretary General of La Francophonie – just reappointed, Lucie Mushikiwabo.

“We have to be able to get results, businesses in La Francophonie have to talk to each other, do business together and we have to improve our position, everyone, together and at the same time we’re going to protect this beautiful language. [le français] “, he continued.

François Legault clarified the contours of his thinking at a press conference. “Exports from Quebec to France, we’re talking about 1.5 billion a year, as I was saying earlier, it’s peanuts, frankly, it would have to be doubled and possibly tripled,” he said. France, on the other hand, exports 3.5 billion per year to Quebec.

“What we need is to give ourselves a plan, to be able to identify sectors, companies and to ensure that the [Mouvement des Entreprises de France] is working well with the Conseil du patronat,” added Mr. Legault, without specifying a timeline. Quebec will also host the Rencontre des entreprises francophones, which brings together business people from all over the Francophonie, in 2023, he announced.

In January 2019, the Prime Minister made the same speech during an official visit to Paris. He then wanted to “double” trade with France, which peaks at less than 5 billion. “It’s nothing,” he said at the time.

” We passed [depuis] from 1.5 to 1.7 billion. There is a small piece of fact, ”retorted Mr. Legault on Sunday. “In 2019, we had not actually given ourselves a horizon […] it is certain that the pandemic has not helped, ”he defended himself. He explained that targets had nevertheless been set by Investissement Québec and that certain sectors had increased their exports to France, without naming them.

François Legault cited before the Economic Forum the example of Alstom – of which the Caisse de depot et placement du Québec is the largest shareholder, and Airbus, which employ “more French-speaking workers” than their respective competitors.

“We understand that there are international rules, that we need competition, but we have to be able to multiply these examples […] the countries of La Francophonie must do more together,” he said.

In front of the press, he mentioned the Buy American Act, which imposes quotas of American content in the realization of contracts. “In our Canada-Europe agreement, it’s 25%. It may be to our advantage, whether in a law or an agreement, that when it is possible to encourage each other [plus] between us,” he said.

“I achieved the goals”

François Legault returns to Quebec on Monday with the feeling of having “achieved the objectives” of his first mission abroad. The Premier emphasized “the context” surrounding his Bill 96 and the importance of “taking action” to curb the decline of French in Montreal.

He also pleaded in particular with Mushikiwabo the need for the countries of the Francophonie to unite to finance more the production of French-language content on digital platforms.

Mr. Legault was able to briefly speak with French President Emmanuel Macron in an informal exchange on Saturday. On Sunday, he met the Tunisian president whose regime is disputed. “I told him that we have concerns about democracy,” he said.

After hesitating to participate in the Summit, the Legault government chose to “give the runner a chance” by meeting with Mr. Saïed. Conversely, Justin Trudeau, who maneuvered to postpone the Summit again for political reasons, for his part passed his turn.

The next Francophonie Summit will be held in France in 2024.

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