Quebec COVID-19 report October 27: With 16 more deaths, the province crosses the bar of 17,000 deaths attributable to the disease.

Hospitalizations of patients with COVID-19 continue their gradual decline, but Quebec passed the bar of 17,000 deaths linked to the disease on Thursday.

Sixteen new people have succumbed to COVID-19, authorities reported, bringing the total death toll to 17,014.

Of the new deaths, one occurred in the past 24 hours, seven occurred two to seven days ago and eight more than seven days ago.

After experiencing a long period of growth, hospitalizations have continued to gradually decrease in the last hours.

There are now 1,925 patients hospitalized in connection with COVID-19, including 610 who are being treated specifically for the disease, which represents a decrease of 17 compared to the previous day.

In intensive care, authorities reported a drop of five, for a total of 47 people, including 27 treated due to the disease.

Moreover, 3,786 health professionals are in isolation in connection with COVID-19.

Health authorities have reported 979 new cases of the disease, but this figure is incomplete, because access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

Quebecers declared 204 rapid tests on Wednesday, including 173 positive. The total stands at 303,961 self-reported rapid tests so far, including 255,429 positives.

According to the ministry’s dashboard, the positivity rate is 9.3%.

For vaccination, 25,163 doses were administered on Wednesday for a total of 21,784,773 vaccines injected into Quebecers.

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