Quebec civil servants will return to the office as of February 28

Quebec government officials will be able to return to their workplace in a “gradual” and “hybrid” way as of February 28. Priority will be given to employees who experience “problems with ergonomics, mental or physical health or even performing telework tasks”.

Posted at 5:00 p.m.
Updated at 5:25 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

“Telework has proven itself, but we must not neglect the essential aspect of social interactions. The health and safety of people remain a priority. We will ensure that the health instructions will be respected, ”said the Minister responsible for Government Administration and responsible for the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, in a press release released Monday afternoon.

According to the elected, the return of the workers will be done “gradually” from February 28, the day when teleworking will no longer be compulsory in Quebec, until April 4. Until now, telework was “the norm for the vast majority of public service personnel”.

A priori, civil servants will be able to apply a “hybrid” working mode, with a minimum of two days a week in the office, in person. “Telework is now well established, and the hybrid mode has advantages, both for the staff and for the employer,” argued LeBel on this.

Quebec is initially aiming to bring 50% of the staff back to “hybrid” mode from March 14, the day when “most” of the health measures should be lifted in the province, as provided for in the plan of deconfinement of the Legault government presented last week. As of April 4, 100% of employees should then be back in “hybrid” mode. This plan will however be “conditional on the relaxation of the rules of physical distancing”, specifies the government.

It is also indicated that the staff whose tasks cannot be carried out by teleworking “are not concerned” by the plan, to which the Commission for standards, equity, health and safety at work (CNESST) participated.

Last fall, a plan was also put in place to prepare for the return of the 60,000 employees of the Quebec public service to the office gradually as of November 15. The Omicron variant and the fifth wave of COVID-19, however, sabotaged these efforts.

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