Quebec authorizes non-binary people to use the acronym “X” on their identity documents

Turnaround in Quebec. People who identify as non-binary will now be able to request that their driving license and health insurance card be marked with the symbol “X” without having to wait for the conclusions of the “committee of wise men” on gender identity.

The duty was able to confirm this information, first reported by Radio-Canada on Monday morning. According to the office of the Minister of Families, Suzanne Roy, the directives were sent to the Régie de l’assurance santé du Québec and the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec.

By allowing anyone who requests it to write “X” rather than “F” or “M” on their identity documents, the government is behind the spirit of its own law, adopted in 2022 by the Minister of Justice , Simon Jolin-Barrette, and which allowed people who requested it to have their gender marker modified in civil status documents.

Last December, Quebec said it wanted to wait for its committee of wise people, appointed by Minister Roy, to take a position before authorizing such steps.

Further details will follow.

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