Quebec and the Temple of the Sun

Do you remember the album Tintin and the Temple of the Sun?

About to be sacrificed by “evil” Incas, Tintin is saved by an eclipse of the Sun which terrifies his enemies.

Indeed, suddenly plunged into darkness in broad daylight, the Incas believe that it is the end of the world.

Seventy-six years after the release of this album, history repeats itself.

But in Quebec.

Courtesy photo


Have you seen the new Public Health guidelines?

(Yes, yes, it is Public Health which coordinates the management of the event, as if the plague virus had escaped from a laboratory…)

Not only must children who absolutely want to play outside be provided with glasses like those worn by Oppenheimer during the first atomic explosion, but if they stay inside, the classroom must be arranged in a special way.

Install curtains, position desks so that students cannot look out of windows, etc.

After that, we wonder why our little rabbits are so fragile, so anxious…


Just if François Legault does not make an appeal to the nation!

To think that our ancestors walked barefoot in the snow to clear the Laurentians with the two teeth that remained in their mouths after an attack of scurvy…

Today, there is barely a psychologist’s office in a corner of the Biosphere to treat children who are traumatized by the sight of a penguin locked in a glass cage.

It’s not the little bunnies, the problem!

It was their parents who fed them salad and carrots!

  • Listen to the Martineau – Dutrizac meeting between Benoît Dutrizac and Richard Martineau via QUB :

Abigail Shrier is a columnist at Wall Street Journal.

A month ago she published a book called Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up (Bad therapy: why children don’t age).

The illustration on the cover of the book says it all: a little girl under a glass bell.

According to Shrier, if young people are so anxious, it’s because they are overprotected.

We are so afraid that they will get hurt that we end up terrorizing them.

As Roger Waters sings in Mother (from the rock opera The Wall):

Mama’s gonna make all your nightmares come true / Mama’s gonna put all her fears into you / Mama’s gonna keep you right here under her wing / She won’t let you fly but she might let you sing»

(Mom will make all your nightmares come true, mom will pass on all her fears to you, mom will keep you under her wing, she won’t let you fly, but maybe she will allow you to sing)

Yes, a child who has serious psychological problems needs to see a specialist, Shrier says.

But we exaggerated. We have established a culture of psychology, where the slightest temporary discomfort is treated as if it were a chronic mental illness.

However, feeling bad about yourself is part of adolescence!

If Tintin were alive today, he would never have left his yard.

As in The Jewels of Castafiorethe only album where the puff-puffed reporter does not travel.

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