Quebec | A boy born at midnight sharp could be Quebec’s first baby in 2024

The traditional search for the first baby born in 2024 in Quebec continued on Monday. For part of the day, it was believed that the first birth had taken place in Outaouais, but it seems that it instead took place in Montreal.

Monday afternoon, CISSS de l’Outaouais announced on its Facebook page that little Mylan Lagacé was born at 12:01 a.m. Monday, and that he weighs 3.18 kilograms.

However, in the evening, the CIUSSS de l’Est-l’Île-de-Montréal announced that it had recorded a birth that occurred at midnight sharp at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital (HMR).

“The baby was born at midnight sharp,” confirmed Ariane Perry-Guénette, clinical nurse in the HMR delivery room. It is a boy, weighing 3,950 kilograms and named Mateo,” the CIUSSS said in a press release.

The CIUSSS did not go so far as to say that this was the first baby born in Quebec in 2024, but it specified that little Mateo was the first baby born “on Montreal territory”.

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