Quattuor Tempora, Simon Trottier & François Zaïdan

Accompanist of Timbre Timbre and member of the Last Ex and Ferriswheel formations, the composer and guitarist Simon Trottier found in François Zaïdan, composer and member of the Klô Pelgag orchestra, the ideal partner to exchange, from a distance, on the theme of the four seasons. The abundant result borrows from electroacoustic and ambient music the way of constructing small sound worlds which, placed end to end, constitute 30 enchanting minutes. Experimental, of course, but anything but hermetic: using modular synthesizers and manipulations of magnetic tapes, and with the voices of friends N Nao (on Magnetic north at the beginning of the album) and Klô Pelgag (instantly recognizable on Hiems closing), the duo imagine four seasons in harmony and contemplation, even in the rare more arid passages, like the first half ofAutumn. Quattet Tempora is like cinema for the eardrums, surprising and stimulating.

Quattet Tempora

★★★ 1/2


Simon Trottier François Zaïdan, Mikroclimat

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