QS National Council | Françoise David harshly criticizes the CAQ

(Montreal) The next election campaign will be “crucial” for Quebec, believes former MP and co-founder of Quebec solidaire (QS) Françoise David.

Posted at 11:06 a.m.

Caroline Plante
The Canadian Press

Voters will essentially have to choose between “two major projects for Quebec”: that of QS and that of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) of François Legault.

Mme David harshly criticized the CAQ during his speech to about 400 delegates gathered in the national council at the Cégep du Vieux Montreal on Saturday morning.

She criticized Mr. Legault’s party for its “incredible softness” in environmental matters, and declared that it was “sad and scandalous” to have abandoned the reform of the voting system.

In terms of immigration, Mr.me David said he rejects “conservative nationalism” as well as the “petty rhetoric” of the CAQ which only wants to “scare the world”.

She described as “electoralist and conservative drift” the “untimely exit” of François Legault, who recently called for the closure of Roxham Road knowing that “it will not solve anything”.

“He takes the opportunity to repeat to the Quebec population that ‘uncontrolled’ immigration is a threat to the survival of our nation, and I can’t stand this petty rhetoric any longer,” she castigated.

Indignation around Law 96

However, the applause soon gave way to a slight discontent around Bill 96 tightening measures to protect the French language in Quebec.

Some activists have made known their dissatisfaction with the position of QS deputies, who last Tuesday voted for the adoption of the law in the National Assembly.

QS parliamentary leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois presented an emergency motion explaining the caucus’ position. He assured that once in power, QS would modify certain parts of the law.

“We are not going to hide this morning: the adoption of Bill 96 caused a lot of reaction, he declared to the delegates. We hear the fears, the discontent […] outrage. »

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois’ motion was finally adopted by a majority.

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