QS: and it lectures others!

You know what they say about nature: try to chase it away and it will come galloping back.

We can try to camouflage, to refine, to make up, but sooner or later, the truth will resurface.

You can hope that a cat learns to bark or a dog learns to meow, but it won’t work because nature didn’t want it that way.


The true nature of Québec solidaire returned at a gallop this week, despite the efforts of its management to conceal it.

To grow, QS must attract new customers.

A series of podcasts, in particular the one on disarming the police, is therefore being removed.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois then tells us that his party is concerned about the middle class and its wallet.

As he is a good actor, he found a way to tell us that without laughing.

Obviously, it’s been a long time since QS gave a damn about the allegedly racist, Islamophobic white low-income earner and, supreme crime, reader of Richard Martineau.

When I started my university studies in the early 1980s, the Marxist-Leninists sold their newspapers in front of UQAM.

Their slogan: Let the rich pay!

This is exactly what QS still advocates today with its idea of ​​taxing assets above a million dollars.

Nature has returned.

If you have a defined benefit pension fund, chances are you’re a millionaire on paper.

If you own a home on the island of Montreal, you must not be far from this hated category.

We have a broad definition of what it is to be rich at QS.

Several ultra-left college professors sympathetic to QS had to swallow their pumpkin flavored frappuccino and vegan fair trade oatmeal cookie when they learned they would go through the wringer.

As Mario Dumont pointed out, QS saves person X who spends all his paycheck and lives from day to day, and taxes person Y, who earns the same salary as X, but who has saved and invested all his life.

QS also tries to make us believe that he is professionalizing, getting serious, doing his homework.

Whoops ! We discover that this imposition would demolish the next generation of farmers, whose land and machinery are worth a fortune, and QS backs down in a few hours.

Obviously, seen from the Plateau Mont-Royal, the reality in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur becomes a pure abstraction.


Meanwhile, one still finds on the party website, at the time of writing these lines, the program adopted at the 2019 congress, which proposes the “socialization of economic activities”, to “go beyond capitalism” (to go where ?) and other aberrations.

I make an easy prediction for you: on the pretext that QS has no chance of taking power, the media will continue to cover it with a complacency to which other formations which do not have a better chance of to win.

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