QRM coach Fabien Mercadal leaves the club

Fabien Mercadal will no longer be QRM’s coach next season. It’s official. While his contract ran until 2023, the club and he separated. “If I have to leave today, it’s for personal reasons.” explains the Red and Yellow coach. He will have succeeded in his bet: to maintain QRM in Ligue 2.

A mixed record

Fabien Mercadal already hinted at the door to a departure this Sunday at a press conference, the maintenance being acquired. “I have to meet the leaders this Monday, the reflection, the question is whether I am able today with the worries that I have to settle to coach a Ligue 2 team. We have seen it well, to coach a Ligue 2 team is totally absorbing (…) and it is out of the question that I even lose 1% of that club“, he explained.

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Arrived last January 4 after departure by Bruno Irleshis record is mixed on the Quevillais bench, 6 wins, 4 draws and 11 defeats.

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