QLP | End of the welcome tax for first-time buyers

(Sherbrooke) Liberal leader Dominique Anglade is continuing to unveil her Portfolio Plan in dribs and drabs by presenting two measures on Thursday to facilitate access to property. One costs $350 million a year, while the other depends on the will of the federal government.

Posted at 9:26

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

A Liberal government would eliminate the welcome tax for first-time buyers. It would pay full financial compensation to the municipalities for the shortfall.

The Liberal Party had already announced this promise in recent months and had estimated its cost at $200 million per year. It has since revised its estimates due to rising house prices. This commitment represents rather an amount of 350 million, according to him.

Dominique Anglade also undertakes to improve the Home Access Plan (RAP) in order to provide more liquidity for the purchase or renovation of a first property. The HBP limit would increase from $35,000 to $50,000. The parents of the buyers could contribute to this.

The HBP is a federal program, and the most recent cap increase (from $25,000 to $35,000) was announced by Ottawa in its 2019 budget. The Liberal Party recognizes that it would need to negotiate with the federal government to achieve to materialize his commitment if he is brought to power.

Dominique Anglade makes her announcement in a developing residential area of ​​Sherbrooke. The Liberal caravan then headed for Gatineau.

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