Qatar 2022: Belgium players didn’t appreciate handling of ‘One Love’ armband case

DOHA, Qatar | The “One Love” armband file rebounded in the Belgian press conference. In fact, the rainbow made headlines again as the day progressed.

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As a reminder, the captains of seven European teams, including Belgium, had to wear this armband, which is notably adorned with the colors of pride in support of the LGBTQ+ community.

However, FIFA ruled at the last minute that the armband violated player uniform regulations.

The captains who wore it exposed themselves to sporting sanctions, ie yellow cards, and the federations of the countries concerned have wisely chosen to leave it aside.

Canada does not appear to be planning any action to support diversity. Steven Vitória remained evasive on the subject on Monday.

Afraid to speak

Belgium captain Eden Hazard was not present for the pre-match press conference on Tuesday, but Jan Vertonghen spoke hesitantly.

“I’m afraid to talk about this subject, because I don’t know if I can play if I talk. This is the first time I have experienced this and I hope it will never happen again. »

“I feel like we were manipulated. An armband that says no to racism or discrimination seems ok to me, these are very simple messages, why couldn’t we say it? »

Eloquent despite his caution, Vertonghen repeatedly mentioned being afraid to speak up because he didn’t want to be disciplined.

The story may not end there since FIFA’s decision to ban the armband does not pass in Germany. The federation (DFB) is even considering going to court in order to hold its own in this case.

Obviously, the rainbow simply does not pass. On Monday, during the game between the United States and Wales, Welsh supporters had a clash with security.

Prohibited symbol

Members of Welsh LGBT supporters association Rainbow Wall have been asked to remove their rainbow hats.

“They said that (…) it was a forbidden symbol and that we were not allowed to wear it in the stadium”, explained to Agence France-Presse Laura McAllister, former captain of the Welsh selection. .

For its part, Rainbow Wall reported in the evening of “Welsh supporters forced to remove” their rainbow hat. “Not the men, just the women. »

Before the match, American journalist Grant Wahl said on Twitter that he was detained by security personnel because he was wearing a rainbow t-shirt, “an error which was quickly corrected”, according to FIFA.

Another setback

In addition, the Belgian Federation, which was banned by FIFA from using its second set of jerseys on which the word “Love” is written, indicated on Tuesday that it was going to hide the mention.

A label will be affixed to the word that appears on the collar of the shirt. This is a reference to Tomorrowland, a famous Belgian music festival.

“This jersey is inspired by the famous Tomorrowland fireworks display and represents the shared values ​​of diversity, equality and inclusion,” the federation said when the jersey was unveiled.

Above all, FIFA considers this to be disguised advertising, which is not permitted by the regulations governing the equipment.

It’s just another way to once again limit references to diversity in a state where homosexuality is illegal.

– With AFP

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