Pyongyang calls on UN to end Seoul-Washington joint maneuvers

(Seoul) North Korea’s foreign ministry has called on the United Nations to urge Seoul and Washington to stop their joint military maneuvers, the official KCNA news agency reported on Sunday.

“The UN and the international community will have to call on the United States and South Korea to immediately stop their provocative remarks and joint military exercises,” Vice Minister Kim Son Gyong said in a statement released by KCNA.

According to him, the rhetoric and maneuvers of Seoul and Washington have led to an “extremely dangerous” level of tension.

The statement comes after U.S. and South Korean officials announced large-scale military drills Friday, March 13-23.

Washington and Seoul say they are defense exercises, but Pyongyang sees them as dress rehearsals for an invasion of its territory or an overthrow of its regime.

On Friday, the two allies carried out a joint aerial maneuver with an American long-range bomber and a South Korean fighter jet.

The “irresponsible acts” of the two allies will only result in the regional situation passing into a “very critical and uncontrollable phase”, warned Kim Son Gyong.

On Saturday, North Korea held Washington responsible for what it sees as the collapse of international arms control systems and claimed that Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal is the ‘safest way’ to checks and balances. In the region.

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