PY Lord has nothing but praise for the youth

Still on the cloud from her recent Gemini win for her quiz show animation 100 geniuses broadcast on Radio-Canada, Pierre-Yves Lord is full of praise for all the young people, whether or not they have been chosen to participate in the fourth season of the show and the previous ones.

His portrait of teenagers in 2022 couldn’t be more flattering. It smashes the words of people who don’t have a particularly high regard for those who are about to become adults.

“Education should be at the heart of our lives. Young people are Quebec’s greatest asset. We have beautiful lakes and beautiful rivers, but we have to believe in our youth, we have to invest in it, we must not neglect it. »

More than TikTok

According to the host, it’s imperative not to be fooled by all the flashy content circulating on social media. This is simply not the way to see the generation that will rule the world of tomorrow.

“We are in an era where there are fairly empty things that have a lot of coating and that create a lot of artifice. It makes us falsely believe that young people are only interested in their selfies, their dates and their Instagram or TikTok profile, says Pierre-Yves Lord. Schools are overflowing with young people who are in their business, who have ambition, who have projects, who want to change the world and who are extremely creative. »

Pierre-Yves Lord is convinced that by making teenagers shine like on his show, it is possible to inspire others to learn.

“Young people thirsty for general knowledge, culture and knowledge, it may not be very spectacular, but it is representative of a large mass of students in Quebec. If we shine the light on them, it can create a ripple effect. »

have fun

The star competitors of 100 geniuses can indeed very well play the role of ambassadors to their peers who see them stand out and get off on exploring themes such as royalty or even mechanics.

“There are plenty of young people who are watching TV at the moment and who will be doing jobs that may not even exist yet. You have to nurture them, encourage them and make them believe that anything is possible…”

Enriching one’s knowledge is all well and good, but what can one say to young and old who are intimidated by all this general knowledge emanating from the participants in 100 geniuses ?

“We have fun with knowledge. This is not an intimidating demonstration of the knowledge of young geniuses. They’re not just bollés, they’re curious […] You can play with them, challenge yourself and have a great time with your family. At a time when we listen to all of our content on our own, rare are the times when we can sit teens and parents together for an hour, have fun and chat. »

The fourth season of 100 geniuses continues Thursdays at 8 p.m. on ICI Télé. The episodes of seasons 2 and 3 of the show can be watched at any time thanks to All V.

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