“Putin immediately gave me an aggressive speech…”, this ex-politician balances!

It wasn’t just about money on the set of C to you on France 5. Indeed, Wednesday March 9, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine received François Hollande. The former President of the Republic revealed the salary he received at the Élysée.

But he was questioned about the news and the Russian invasion in Ukraine which started ten days ago. Emmanuel Macron’s predecessor told about his first meeting with the President of Russia. “The first time I received Vladimir Putin in 2012, I had just been elected president and he had just become president again. He immediately gave me an aggressive speech against the United States, saying to me: ‘ You see, they want to install missiles, they want to attack us.’ I told him: ‘No, but listen, be realistic, there is no aggressive will.’ He was in this determination there in relation to the United States”.

Besides, whoever says “understanding Poutine”affirmed that he had not “never been wrong about what Vladimir Putin wanted.” “He wants to reconstitute the Soviet Union in another form. He is deeply humbled by what happened at the end of the Soviet Union, he thinks it is an American plot, and he maintains his people and his country in this story”.

In his eyes, Vladimir Putin “Holds a speech that has its own logic, which is not ours, but it holds a speech with historical formulas. He is in the idea that Ukraine is Russia.”

In a column published in The worldFrançois Hollande called for a boycott of Russian energy. “If we want to stop Vladimir Putin in his war in Ukraine, we must start by stopping buying gas from him”had let go.

to see also: “Intense”, “Moving”, “He aged 15 years”: This unique shot of Emmanuel Macron, exhausted during his call with Vladimir Poutine, is breathtaking


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