Put the genies back in their lamps

Guy Taillefer’s editorial entitled “Lula’s Too Short Victory” is a barely perceptible observation of an electoral victory. Bolsonaro’s silence should scare us.

He is only confirming that he is putting everything in motion to imitate his mentor, Donald Trump, and that he will not concede victory to Lula. As the editorialist points out, Bolsonaro will not deprive himself of his ample capacity for nuisance.

A thought for Brazilians who are looking for a country, their country.

We see what a Trump term in the United States and a Bolsonaro term in Brazil have woven as a backdrop and loss of social fabric. I fear that the geniuses that emerged from the American lamp and the Brazilian lamp during the reign of these two populist dunces have skillfully cultivated a collective ignorance which now represents half of the voters in these two immense countries. To put these despicable geniuses back in their respective lamps is almost a miracle.

The mid-term elections in the United States are stunning, the desperation is palpable. And what about the hammer attack that targeted Ms. Pelosi…and which the Republicans brushed aside? We want to cry!

Hillary Clinton was literally stoned when she spoke of the ‘deplorables’… Today, the same ‘deplorables’ manage to smother what remains of ‘deplorables’. democracy ” in the ” greatest country in the world !

Collective ignorance is dangerous… As we can see, it is easy to handle, directed and guided. The ignorant sheep all go to the precipice: Trump’s precipice, Bolsanero’s precipice and, frankly, Duhaime’s precipice and Poilievre’s precipice.

Ignorance has no boundaries.

To my great surprise, the period of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown me that Quebec has its share of “crass blindness”, with large sections of citizens ready to believe anything. We accept deceit.

What we see in the United States and Brazil is a trend that normalizes stupidity. Let us hurry to educate, to instruct, to make Quebec literate. Because knowing how to read, knowing how to think, knowing how to decode current events will perhaps make Quebec an island of discernment.

We ardently wish it.

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