“Put me in the ravine”: Julie Gayet confides in the revelation of her romance with François Hollande

This is surely one of the most difficult periods of his life: in January 2014, when they have been having an affair for a few months and rumors are starting to circulate about them, Julie Gayet and François Hollande see their story of love to be revealed by the magazine Closerwhich releases an exclusive number where we can see the president on a scooter secretly paying a visit to the one who was his hidden companion at the time.

Very quickly, the Head of State separates from his official companion, Valérie Trierweiler, to put himself in a relationship with the actress. But this one, at the time, is the object of all the attention and is going through difficult times, as she recently confided to South Radio. “It was extremely violent, I almost got into the ravine at one point because they were chasing me [les paparazzi, NDLR]chased me on a scooter“, she says.

Two solutions then offered themselves to her: to become a classic first lady, to follow her companion in his slightest movements … or to continue his life and his career, without ever talking about his couple. A second option that she chooses and assumes. His key word? Discretion ! “I made this choice to stay who I was, to stay in my place and not to set foot on the official side. I never passed that door, I was always very clear“, she says. A paying choice: three years later, François Hollande leaves his place to Emmanuel Macron and can finally leave more room for their love story.

Their first joint outing will also be during a sad event at the end of 2017: it is together that the couple attends the funeral of Johnny Hallyday. Julie Gayet, now married for the second time, does not really seem to regret this period even if she knows today, with hindsight, what saved her: her job! “When I came out of this period, I wanted to play the theater again, to question my relationship to my profession. And maybe get rid of this gossip that hadn’t been very friendly. It did me a lot of good”she concludes.

François Hollande and she now form a lovely couple, and even a blended family: the former president had four children with Ségolène Royal (Thomas, Clémence, Julien and Flora) and is a grandfather several times, including the adorable Noé and Jeanne . Julie Gayet, meanwhile, has two sons, Tadéo and Ezechiel, young adults.

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