Pushing back the retirement age “generates more activity and wealth to be shared”, according to Laurent Pietraszewski, Secretary of State for Pensions

The Secretary of State for Pensions and Occupational Health Laurent Pietraszewski was the guest of 6:50 p.m. franceinfo, Thursday.

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Raising the retirement age “generates more activity and wealth to be shared for all the countries that have done so”, estimated Thursday, January 27 on franceinfo Laurent Pietraszewski, Secretary of State for Pensions and Occupational Health. Pushing back the legal retirement age leads to savings on pensions, but additional unemployment and disability expenses, according to several documents studied by the Pensions Orientation Council (COR).

“Working longer will allow us to have the highest possible level of solidarity, to guard against a drop in pensions and to consolidate our pay-as-you-go pension system.”

In Germany, the legal retirement age is 65 years and 10 months. “Overall, in our country we work two to three years less than all other countries. Does the situation in Germany seem complicated? Not because they have culturally changed things.”

In France, “If we want sufficient levels of retirement pensions, we must be able to sustain our pay-as-you-go pension system over time. It is the youngest who contribute for the oldest who are retired.”

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