Pushed to the limit by Patrick Bruel, this day when Johnny Hallyday completely twisted… Crispy revelations about their unsuspected rivalry

This Wednesday, August 17, 2022, the channel W9 decided to broadcast the report Bruel: the itinerary of a gifted person. Over the years, Patrick Bruel has established himself with panache in music. At the same time, the 7ᵉ art also caught his eye. If he does not escape in countless poker tournaments, the artist manages his many businesses with a master hand. But her top priority remains her two children. For Patrick Bruel, the family is sacred!

“Their sensitivity and their view of my work amazes me. When they accompany me on the tour, the concert is not quite the same”he analyzed in the columns of Paris Match. During his career, the main interested party had the chance to collaborate with a lot of artists. Like Johnny Hallyday. Over the past twenty years, the duo has sung together several times to the delight of their fans.

“I will not invite him to the concert again…”

Their last performance dates back to 2014… Three years before the rocker’s sudden disappearance. According to their relatives, the two stars have always gotten along well. But Patrick Balkany made intriguing revelations about the interpreter of‘Light the fire. According to him, the two singers were rivals despite their beautiful complicity. In the book by Laurence Pieau and François Vignolle baptized “Laeticia, the real story”the former mayor of Levallois-Perret affirms: He often said: ‘I will not invite him to the concert again. Each time he does the same thing to me, he pushes, he pushes the voice. I have two and a half hours of show, and he just comes to do a song. He does it on purpose and it is not correct. “.

Thus, Johnny Hallyday would have been annoyed several times by the behavior of the latter: “ Me, when I invite guys, it’s not for them to show me that they know how to climb higher than me”. Despite these hiccups, Johnny Hallyday and Patrick Bruel adored each other!


to see also: “Not reactive”, “We must not disturb him for nothing”, revelations about the relationship that Patrick Bruel has with his sons!

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