pushed to the limit by environmental activists, the famous animator cracks…

Ecology is everyone’s business… Or not. This Thursday, October 27, two activists from the “Just Stop Oil” collective hit the headlines. The reason ? The duo wanted to hit hard in the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague in the Netherlands. Arriving in front of the painting of “The Girl with a Pearl Earring” by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer, one of them stuck his forehead against the protective glass of the work.

The principals concerned and their accomplice were intercepted by the authorities. In its press release, the museum assured that the painting had not been damaged. Unsurprisingly, the video went around the world. The same day having heard of this action, Arthur took to his Instagram account to speak about it. In his Instagram story, the famous host relayed a photo of the two activists, adding a spicy caption: “This world, this HP has an open sky! Sticking your head on a Vermeer work is going to get things going.”

“Damn… What’s the report?”

A few days ago, two other activists who advocated the end of hydrocarbons sprinkled soup on the painting “The Sunflowers” ​​by Vincent Van Gogh exhibited at the National Gallery in London. “How do you feel when you see a beautiful and priceless thing appearing to be destroyed right before your eyes? »had dropped one of the men to illustrate his convictions.

On October 23, the masterpiece Millstones » by Claude Monet was targeted by a man and a woman. The latter has also justified itself as to its act: “People are dying of hunger, of cold, we are experiencing a climate catastrophe. And all you’re afraid of is tomato soup or mashed potatoes on a chalkboard […]. Monet loved nature and captured its fragile beauty in his works. Why are many people afraid that any of these images will be damaged than the destruction of our world itself ». What Pascal Obispo replied on the Web: “Naze… What report? “. Vibe…


to see also: “38% of French people think that Islam is a threat”, Arthur publishes a shock study and gives a rant!

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