Purgatory, 28 rue de Cheverus in Bordeaux

Purgatory is a concept signed Thomas Mertz, who exercised his talents with the Pourcels, in Darwin, at the Chantiers de la Garonne. Thomas has created on 250 m2 a unique place, at the same time restaurant, bar, tattoo parlor and body customization, but also the first tattoo center in Europe. Stuffed with religious nods diverted with humor and benevolence, he achieves the tour de force of taking you to an improbable elsewhere where everything is only temptation. Starting with the plate.

Eve Tavernier: The secret of its success is the quality, the choice of menu is stunning. A menu, simple and short, made of fresh products prepared in front of you, which never loses sight of the essential: the taste!

Purgatory in Bordeaux
Eve Tavernier and Theo Miege

Eve Tavernier is a culinary columnist, inveterate gourmet, sometimes photographer, always a cook, a zigzag between words and a disillusioned Cartesian. Find his recipes, his passion and his gastronomic or wine favorites on his blog: unetableausoleil.fr and on my Instagram feed @evetavernier

Eve Tavernier blog author "A table in the sun"
Eve Tavernier author of the blog “A table in the sun”

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