Pure White Coffee | In Beloeil, like at home

As soon as you enter the Blanc Pur Café, which opened its doors in Beloeil last year, you feel at home.

Is it because of the exterior, reminiscent of those grand houses from another era? Does this impression stem from the different bright rooms with distinct vocations? Or is it the warm welcome of the employees that makes the place so friendly? The sum of these three elements, no doubt.

And just like in a real home, all family members are welcome: students, seniors, teleworkers, parents and children. A games room is even reserved for them.

“We were looking to open a place that was welcoming to everyone. Kid-friendly, but above all parent-friendly. Places for children, there are plenty. But there aren’t many places where parents can relax while the kids have fun,” says co-owner Mélissa Latour, herself the head of a family of seven.

And what do you eat in this house with its unique cachet, which for years housed the Crêperie du Vieux-Belœil? Sandwiches, soups, salads, pastries and pastries are featured on the menu with various choices of coffees and teas.

A stop to discover near the Richelieu River.

940 Richelieu Street, Beloeil

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