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Soaring energy prices fuel inflation. The French suffer from rising prices, so the site has set up a simulator to measure its impact on your purchasing power.
Inflation has become a daily subject in France. But do you know exactly how much it costs you each month? To find out, the site has put a simulator online. You enter your list races of the week, and the simulator makes the comparison compared to last year. A carer tested it. The simulator indicates that his shopping basket has increased by 4 euros per week. Price increases that made him change his way of life. “I cook less and less at home, for fear of wasting a lot of gas”she explains.
Prices that are also soaring for a mother. For her, it’s at least 3 euros more per week, not to mention essential products for her seven-month-old granddaughter. “We are careful, we eat more pasta”she says. Motorists are not left out, with soaring fuel prices. Mathieu Plane, Deputy Director of the Analysis and Forecasting Department atOFCEexplains that low-income and middle-class households are the most affected, as well as households in rural areas.