Purchasing power, legislative, National Rally … François Ruffin’s 8:30 am franceinfo

François Ruffin, LFI deputy for the Somme, was Thursday June 30 the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo. He answered questions by Neïla Latrous and Marc Fauvelle.

RN vice-presidencies of the National Assembly: “The rest of the story is a merger between the liberal family and the authoritarian family”

“You will see that in the years to come, there will be rapprochements between the liberal family and the authoritarian family”, fears the LFI deputy. On Wednesday, two deputies from the National Rally were elected among the six vice-presidents of the National Assembly. “The rest of the story is a merger between these two families so that the system remains in the same hands.”

According to him, Renaissance (ex-LREM) and the National Rally are “compatible” in more ways than one. “The liberal party has shown itself to be more and more authoritarian, in particular in its management of the crisis of the ‘yellow vests’ then of the Covid-19”.

Purchasing power: “We will hyper-amend the government bill to rewrite it”

“We must not dream, legislative proposals are smoke. It does not pass in the hemicycle”, assures François Ruffin. On the other hand, he wishes “hyper-amend” government bill. “We’re going to rewrite it.”

“It’s not vouchers or bonuses that the French need”believes François Ruffin, making particular reference to the food check project of 100 euros wanted by the government. “The French make the country live, they have to live from their work. The central question is that of wages.” The deputy elected in the Somme under his Picardy standing banner is notably “in favor of indexing wages to inflation […] The question is how do we ensure that there are not those who stuff themselves upstairs and those who only get the crumbs downstairs.

About Emmanuel Macron, he accuses him of appearing for “a great humanist” at international summits but to no longer be “the same” when he comes back. “In five years, the first French fortunes have tripled. That’s not going to change.”

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