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The prices of pasta, oil, eggs and bread continue to rise, Wednesday, April 6, due to rising commodity prices. Increases that do not yet take into account the consequences of the war in Ukraine.
Every morning a breeder pick them up eggs of the day and, for a year, feeding the hundred laying hens on his farm has cost him 20% more expensive. To cope with this increase, she will increase the price of her box of six eggs by 20 euro cents. In addition to eggs, flour and butter now cost more. Subjects raw essential for the Florence pastry chef Cail, who already knows that she will have to increase her rates.
On the shelves of supermarkets, prices have soared since the beginning of the year for entry-level products. There is thus an increase in 40% over pasta, or 11% on olive oil. The increases do not spare meat either, nor branded products such as milk or coffee. According to Rudolph hottiea retail specialist, these increases do not yet take into account the consequences of the war in Ukraine. Manufacturers are already planning increases in 5% at 8% in the coming months.