Purchasing power, “excusable defense”, crisis in Ukraine … Guillaume Peltier’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Guillaume Peltier, vice-president of “Reconquest!” and spokesperson for Éric Zemmour far-right presidential candidate, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Thursday January 27. He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Ukrainian crisis: Emmanuel Macron should “go to Moscow”

For the president to travel to meet Vladimir Putin in person would be a “show respect”, believes Guillaume Peltier. If, for him, “the Americans are our allies, the Russians are our friends”. To find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis, “Emmanuel Macron should have the courage, as President of the European Union, to lift the sanctions and the embargo” against Russia.

Security: “Éric Zemmour will be the president of the victims, the police, the gendarmes, the robbed traders”

Éric Zemmour proposes to introduce into French law “the notion of excusable defence”. “Our model is Germany and Switzerland, which have relaxed the criteria that allow self-defense”, indicated Guillaume Peltier. “We consider that in a number of cases, not all cases, self-defense should be respected and heard.”

Increase in purchasing power: “Work no longer pays in France”

While the unions are calling for a general mobilization on Thursday to demand wage increases, Guillaume Peltier proposes “to reduce or at least halve the CSG”, “to restore all the tax exemption for overtime” and create “a national brigade to fight against fraud which will control, with hundreds of inspectors, all recipients of social minima”. On the other hand, no restoration of the ISF, “a death tax”.

“My compass has always been the right”

National Front, then MNR with Bruno Mégret, then Le Mouvement pour la France with Philippe de Villiers, then the UMP which became Les Républicains, then Reconquête! by Éric Zemmour, Guillaume Peltier has often changed labels. He defends himself by saying: “A weather vane that always points in the same direction is called a compass”.

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